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There is an old saying in China, “What you read is what you dream.” But modern psychoanalysis and psychology argue, “The meanings of most dreams fail to coincide with conscience. Instead, they tend to have different meanings.” So we have to make an assumption that subconscious is the origin of dreams and it has autonomous functions. The dream is a mysterious sensory activity. But our ancestors’ experience and the speculation of science really arouse my curiosity. [1]
Because I am a dream lover. In my dream, there are always peculiar space as well as some vivid and peculiar plots. But not all the dreams are of the same importance. Even the primitive people classifies dreams into “big ones” and “little ones”, which refer to “important dreams” and “unimportant dreams” in modern sense. To be specific, “little dreams” are fragments of illusion, originating from subjective and individual zones. They are eroded in daily routine because of their lack of importance. They can be easily forgotten because their effectiveness cannot transcend the fluctuation in our minds. On the other hand, meaningful dreams tend to be stored in our memories for the whole life and occupy the center of the treasure of mental experience.
I wove all these fragments and memories into my work, exploring questions like the reasons why I dream and the relationships between the dream and reality through the media of artistic creation. For example, Carl Jung and Freud have similar believes in respective works:”If the attitudes of conscience partially coincide with life, the dream will be opposite; If the conscience is ‘impartial’, the dream is satisfaction; If the conscience is ‘right’ (suitable), the dream accents its tendency without losing its peculiar autonomy.” [2] Of course, this is a general summary. The lack of logics, doubtable moral, ugly and weird figurs etc. in the dream all deserve my further study. In this series of works, I sometimes use some fabric materials, which are a symbol of childishness and naiveness, which closely relate to my topic.
[1]Carl Gustav Jung:《Analytical Psychology and Interpretation of Dreams》,Shanghai San Lien Book Store Publishing house,2009.12,p136
[2]Carl Gustav Jung:《Analytical Psychology and Interpretation of Dreams》,Shanghai San Lien Book Store Publishing house,2009.12,p152

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